Why Friday?


Have you ever wondered why people love Friday so much? I have and personally I love Fridays for a few reasons…

1. The letter it starts with (my name, which I love, happens to start with the same letter)

2. It just seems like a cool day, doesn’t it? If for example Friday was a high school student, he/she would be that popular kid who also happens to be very nice and genuine and everybody just gets along with him/her. (that is if a student like that even ever existed)

3. It’s the last day of the week where you have to wake up early (unless you are one of those people who never take a weekend off, in that case… WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?)

4. It just seems like such a lovable day, or is it just me?

5. When I wake up and know that today is a Friday, I am instantly happy, so I always associate Friday with happiness..

6. Honestly who gives a damn why Fridays are the best day of the week, I don’t! All I know is that I love Fridays, I truly don’t know exactly why, when I started typing this, sure I thought “Yeah I totally know why I love Fridays and this is going to be so witty and insightful” but it is not. And I still don’t know why I love Fridays so much, yes all of the above reasons are true, maybe it has something to do with being in school and knowing that Friday you get off at one, and you get to just chill that afternoon because you can do homework on Sunday. I don’t know exactly why, but when I know it’s Friday, I am happy and truly excited.

So I conclude, whether anyone else agrees with me or not, Friday is the best day of the week. Hooray for Friday!
